Date 2005/4/27 15:01:44 | Topic: YAXS

did you ever hear of "Hommingberger Gepardenforelle"? No, you are right, it is just a combination of words which are used to have a seo contest. A german magazine called c't has published an article how to follow some search engine rules, ideas and methods.

With a new regged domain i want to have a bit fun and see how my xoopsinstall will behave in this test and of course ... to learn a bit more about this topic.

comments are welcome and perhaps some of you want to help in pushing this site linking to it?
<a href="" title="Hommingberger Gepardenforelle" rel="nofollow">hommingberger-forelle.dea>

and feel free to submit your link into my linksection...


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