My First Theme's Name FOSOL

Date 2005/2/25 11:53:09 | Topic: Themes

Hello Xooper
My Nickname Is Fosol And I am One Of This Site's Members, And The Supported Arabic Language For This Project. I Have Used The Xoops Since The Beginning Till I Understood The Code OF This Project . So, I Have Used This To Design An E-Learning Site.
Also, I Have Designed The Theme for This Project , But I Couldn't Have A Host To Practice What I Have Designed, I Have Designed To Put This Theme For Free . As A Way To Show My Gratitnes To Those Who Developed This Project, And Those Who Support It Specially Fuga ( ) The Arabic Supporter For This Project.
This Theme Doesn't Contain Photos, Except The CSS Style , As An Established To Design This Theme.
I Have Explained The Style.css File. And How To Change The Special Colors Of The Blocks, Almost In Every Line You Will See An Explaination For How To Make It Work Or A group Of Orders As A Comment To Make Your Private Theme Color.
This Theme Has Been Tested On Xoops v-2.0.5 And Above.
The Feature Of This Theme:
* Hide/ Show All Right Blocks & All The Left Blocks From There Icon Above The Blocks.
* Each Block Has Two Color One Above & The Other Is Below Which DifferFrom One To Other.
* You Can Change Its Color From Style.css File.
By God's Will In The New Version I Will Try To Make It Hide/Show For Every Block Not All The BLocks. And To Make The Site Perfect, I Have Designed The Theme For Modules/news & Modules/system . In The Same Way Of The Main Theme. Which Will Be Found In The Attached File.

Also, To Completed It In A Better Way I Have Put Some Files You Must Put It In Their True Path, Like ( Make Pdf Article ) .Found In The Attachment File.


You Can See This Demo In DemoArabic Folder .

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Thank To All The Developers Of This Project
Xooper Member As Fosol

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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