The XOOPS Shop Project

Date 2004/12/20 23:39:56 | Topic: Modules

Hi dear Xoopsers,

you all remember the first trial of an XOOPS Shop module ( XOSC Beta 0.1 from Michael Baecker and Beta 0.2 with my update to the osCommerce Version 2 MS2 )

Now i found back to this project and start it again with different goal:

Not to Port just the osCommerce Shop to XOOPS

No to make a templates based Shop system which is truly a 100% XOOPS Module but compatible to osCommerce based shops, for this i use now xt:commerce and Zen Cartâ„¢ as base.

In the past there was a lot critic about the "only" overseas orientate way this shops goes, so the XOOPS Shop Project will be developing 2 shops which are only different in the usergroups:

The xshop development has as a goal to make the world of the electronic commerce easily accessible for the medium-size trade companies within the European Union.

The zshop development has as a different goal, making the world of the electronic commerce easily accessible with world wide options .

The website is

More information there, the start will be in January but if you want to keep an eye on the further developing you can see this here:

The demoURL will be changed later to the myxoopsshop URL.

First help to make the Site look more professional is welcome also for helping making nice Logos for each Shop and maybe a more professional Theme.

Current promise for joining the Team: Mithrandir and my Newbb 2.0 Teampartner phppp ( hope this was right )

Thanks to all in advance for your help and your attention.



This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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