Announcing MortgageCalc v1.0 for XOOPs

Date 2004/12/1 17:40:04 | Topic: Modules

XOOPS @ IBDeeming! is proud to announce the release of MortgageCalc v1.0 for XOOPs! This is a value add, full featured, FLASH tool that provides a number of great features and benefits to individual or Real Estate based websites.
MortgageCalc v1.0 installs per the specifications of XOOPs 2.0.7. It is a block that has the following features:
  • Buyers Worksheet - This worksheet allows you to enter you income information to determine your buying power, basically what you may be able to afford!

  • Estimated Payments - This will tell you what your principle and interest payments will be. Insurance is determined by region, and not covered by this calculation. Check your local fees!

  • Compound Interest - Have you ever wanted to find out how much you really paid for a particular product over the term of a loan? You may not want to know, but this calculation will tell you the hard truth.

  • Rent VS Buy - This is a decision maker. It allows you to enter in specific income information, taxes, interest, and misc. fees. It will help advise you on the direction you should go.
Remember - with any investment or major purchase, you should always seek qualified legal and accounting advice. This tool helps you do your homework prior to meeting with those professionals.

Get your copy

Test drive HERE!

Keeping with the spirit of GPL - the FLASH source is included for learning how it works!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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