- come and visit me !

Date 2004/9/19 11:19:35 | Topic: YAXS

h is my private domain. It's made with some static pages and the usage of xoops modules - contact, news 1.2, myalbum and cloned tiny contents. I began to make this site making a static html page, and then i made it fit the THEME. Static sites will be replaced using xoopsmodules in the future (if i find the time) but it seems that searchengines love that static sites :) ...

It's another eample of css usage for position things within a xoopstheme. With the use of smarty (and a bit php) i can act and load different stylesheets and columnlayouts on different modules etc.

This domain is mainly for other "hokamp's" to get in contact but dunno how many of them are actually crawling through web. Actually content is available in German only, but i'm working on an english translation, but, ... let's see!

If you know a "hokamp" round your place, give him a hint or a link to this site ! (and kick him to use my contactform)...

michael [studioC]
Come and visit

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