Xoops2 Donations Module v1.4 Released!

Date 2004/6/12 17:58:00 | Topic: Modules

The popular Xoops2 Paypal Donations Module has a new home at http://dev.xoops.org, and the Donations module dev team have already tossed out a new release!

Xoops 2 Donations module is a Paypal IPN donation solution for the Xoops Content Management System. You must have IPN (Instant Payment Notification) enabled on your Paypal account for this module to work.
Changed in this release:
- Added language constants to all files to allow for alternate languages
- Added constant definitions to languages/english/main.php
- Fixed IPN Debug mode
- Added includes/functions.php for redundant function code and for a bugfix
- Added success.php and cancel.php for Donation success and cancel pages
- Added includes/installscript.php to set up success and cancel pages in DB
- Added language includes in header.php
- Changed default monthly donation goals to lower values
- Changed default "Yes" and "No" options for index.php donation form
- Added "Left to go" and "Surplus" line to bottom of blocks/Donat-o-meter.php output
- Changed default block name for blocks/Donat-o-meter.php to "Donations"
- Changed templates/donations_main.htm to make it look prettier ("Visual Optimization")
- Added includes/common.php for IPN include (prevents inaccessibility of ipnppd.php in certain cases)
... and a mess of other small things.

We've already started laying the groundwork for v2.0 with a version branch in CVS. The current module & code will be continued with bugfixes and code rewrites, while version 2.0 will put into place support for *other* payment methods, including: donations, one-time payments/purchases, subscriptions, and support for other payment processors other than Paypal.

Intended for a future 1.x release is support for Xoops Groups, in addition to a number of other Features, which you can read about at the module's Project Page.

You can view the CVS files and latest project releases HERE. Please report any bugs or feature requests at the same link, so that you can be certain your requests will be acknowledged.

Our last release was the initial Xoops debut, at version 1.31 (version carried from the Nuke port), but with this release, we have revised our versioning methods (just an fyi for anyone that notices the discrepancy). Let us know what you think, and enjoy!!

This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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