Some modifications to the evennews module

Date 2004/2/21 15:29:57 | Topic: Modules


I have made some modifications to the evennews module (a script to send newsletters) :

1) I have replaced some 2) French translation included
3) The form to send a message has been modified
4) The subscription and unsubscribre runs perfectly
5) I have added the search
6) The module now use the Xoops class to send emails
7) Nothing was happening when you was unscribing while you was not subscribe
8) Templates have been "internationalized". No more hard coded texts
9) Bugs corrections
10) The confirmation message in now a template file
11) You can send Text or Html emails
12) The subscribe and unsubscrire buttons are now "internationalized". They are located in the "language" folder
13) The time display now use the Xoops functions and "format"
14) You can delete old messages
15) You have a block to subscribe/unsubscribe
16) The javascript error messages are now in the language files

You can download it here.

This version has been tested and used with Xoops 2.0.6
If someone have some time, you can do the folowing modifications :

1) The possibility to subscribe to categories (multiple newsletters)
2) Something to select the mail format (text or html) when you subscribe
3) Create a better block
4) Modify index.php to display only one picture acording to your subscription options. For example, if you are subscribed, don't show the subscribe button.

This module was originally designed to be able to know how many people received the email and how many did not received the email. With the use of the Xoops class to send emails, it's not any more possible to know this information (or am I wrong ?)

PS : Don't ask me, you can't join files to the mail.


This article comes from XOOPS Web Application System

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