XOOPS Multi Sites
Date 2004/1/22 13:26:08 | Topic: Hacks
| Here's a way in which you can run multiple xoops instances with 1 simple XOOPS install.
This would be benefitial for those running XOOPS hosting servers. (saves diskspace and you could control caching independently for each XOOPS instance)
Here's a Step by Step procedure to do it. 1. Backup your existing mainfile.php
2. Copy mainfile.php to .mainfile.php eg: if your domain is http://www.ldapguru.net then copy mainfile.php to ldapguru.mainfile.php
3. Replace your existing mainfile.php with the following code:
if (!(isset($serverName))) { $serverName = $SERVER_NAME; $serverName = str_replace("www.","",$serverName); $serverName = str_replace(".com","",$serverName); $serverName = str_replace(".net","",$serverName); $serverName = str_replace(".org","",$serverName); } if (!(empty($serverName))) { include($serverName."mailfile.php"); ?>
4. Thats it !!!
An example instance is as follows: If you want to run 1 XOOPS instance against the following 3 domains http://www.domain1.com http://www.domain2.net http://www.domain3.net
You would create 3 files domain1.mainfile.php domain2.mainfile.php domain3.mainfile.php
You could customize each file with it's unique URL. You could either keep the same database parameters (XOOPS_DB_HOST) or have unique ones. You could also have just 1 database with unique prefixes (XOOPS_DB_PREFIX) for each site.
the functionality is similar to what i have running on one of my non-XOOPS servers.
http://www.rohanpinto.com and http://www.chriselda.com are the same server, same hosting account and same content with the above script enabled. Remember these URL's are not running XOOPS, but rather the exact same process.
If you do not want to hack the code but download it, visit my XOOPS site at http://www.ldapguru.net, I shall be posting a Multi-XOOPS-Site download shortly.