Modules: XOOPS Module Development Projects Update

Posted by: HerkoOn 2003/6/29 19:50:38 6847 reads
The XOOPS Module Development Team (X-MoDe) is proud to announce that there are a couple of new XOOPS 2.0 modules we now have in development. They are:
- xnewsletter (port of the phpList application) - Status: pre-alpha;
- xoopschat (chat module for XOOPS 2.0) - Status: beta test;
- xcal (port of the phpicalendar application) - Status: pre-alpha;
- xcomics (Jan304's excellent comics module) - status: beta-test;
- spotlight (upgrade of's excellent spotlight mod) - Status: beta-test;
- metaCat (category manager) - Status: alpha-test;

Due to the excellent work of the guys from myXOOPSForge on a completely integrated, fully functional osCommerce Shop Module for XOOPS 2.0, development of this module has been transferred to myXOOPSForge.

If you want to contribute to the development of these or other XOOPS modules, please read on...

There are a few modules for which we're looking for a developer who'll take the lead in the continuation or startup of the development project. These modules are:
- weBLog (existing module, development has ceased);
- WAP module (existing module, development has ceased);
- xShopLite (new module, light shop system);
- ...

If you want to be the lead developer for any one of these modules, please contact for more information.

If you have a module in development, and want to make it a public development project under the XOOPS Module Development Team, you'll get every support we can give you (developers community, SourceForge tools etc.). If you'd like to add your module to the lists above, please contact herko at the above address.