Modules: xp-weather 1.4

Posted by: sylvainbOn 2003/5/26 2:57:56 8901 reads
Since today 09h00 PM, xp-weather 1.4 is in action onto my site!
More countries added like in the xoops 1.x.x version.


This version of the module is for xoops 2.0.2 only!!
Already tested under xoops 2rc3 and not working!
More, already tested under three differents platforms :
- php 4.1.2 (my site)+mysql 4.0.12 -> OK
- php 4.2.0+mysql 3.23.39 -> OK
- php 4.3.1+mysql 4.0.11a -> OK
All with xoops 2.0.2 installed!
Since it has not been tested yet under oldest version of xoops
(xoops v2 final and xoops 2.0.1), i need some voluntaries to test it before you can find it in the download section.
For those who want to do it, please tell it to me in the commentaries of my site.

sylvain B.