Modules: Content Relations MGR

Posted by: tomsysOn 2003/5/3 14:11:12 5604 reads
Hello folks,

..after looking around and ending up with nothing in my hand - for existing site content relations builder I managed to develop my own and also kindly offering for you to take a look at it.

This is a very simple but powerful enough module to help web site admins to better organize existing portal content and also represent visitors with an extra information block {Related...} what keeps a short link list to your site other pages - such as [News, Downloads, FAQ, etc].

User block can be easily binded up to any installed Module what has it's own page (except system module) and separately to the News [Single - Article or Topic page] or also to the Downloads [Single - Category page].

I hope you will enjoy it although this release should be considered as pre-release, for sure bug releases will follow after you will test it and require me to fix it.

Kind regards,

current version of this module you can grab here