Modules: Olédrion version 1.63

Posted by: instantzeroOn 2008/8/29 19:40:00 6600 reads
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We are happy to announce you the release of a new version of our Xoops e-Commerce module, Olédrion.

This version contains some bugs corrections and the addition of 2 plugins.
The first for the Xoops RssFit module and the second for the Xoops Sitemap module.

Changelog :
- Bug correction in the PDF catalog
- Bug correction in the shipping's calculation (quantites was not used for shipping calculation)
- Bug correction in the cart/order tables (as a consequence, there was some bugs in the invoice and dashboard)
- Bugs corrections in the emails sent to the website and to the client after his/her order
- You have a plugin for RssFit & Sitemap
- No changes in the translations

You can download the module here :

And you can also download an update from the version 1.62 to the version 1.63

The module is now available in Spanish (thanks DonCurioso) :

Happy XOOPSing,
Instant Zero