XOOPS: (New) Repository - do YOU want to help?

Posted by: BenderOn 2007/4/21 17:20:00 9564 reads
Hi Xoopsers out there,

in the past it was mentioned that with the site restructuring tasks will pop up which need more peoples active involvement.
Now this will be one task which certainly can be done much faster with more people working on it. We are talking about the file descriptions and submissions.

One of the major goals is the improvement of quality when rebuilding the repository. A big part of this are the descriptions
of the addons (modules/themes/...) offered in the repository. On the old repository one was often like uuuh what might
this be for now?
or ok now i know its a module for content but which features does it have?.

Now there are tons of modules out there. Some carry good descriptions by themself but most do lack in that area. So
thats where to begin and what i like to ask your help for today.

How is it supposed to work? Simple ... let me explain.

We will have a list of modules (themes to follow shortly) and you can assign yourself to working on a description for one
or more files. Then open one thread for the description per file and post your work there. Anyone can comment on this
to even improve it further where possible. Those descriptions will then be used in the new repository

This will be the forum where it takes place: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewforum.php?forum=46

Now apart from the descriptions in the same forum you can add modules to the list which are currently not mentioned. And thats a lot of modules ...

See you over there ...
