Modules: Release of DokuWiki 2.0 for XOOPS

Posted by: phpppOn 2006/6/27 5:51:12 9898 reads
DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use Wiki, mainly aimed at creating documentation of any kind. It is targeted at developer teams, workgroups and small companies. It has a simple but powerful syntax which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki and eases the creation of structured texts.

The DokuWiki For XOOPS 2.0 is based on the dokuwiki release of March 9th, 2006 with search enhancement, which is now compatible with XOOPS side wide search.


Download DokuWiki 2.0 For XOOPS

1 check xoops-module-dokuwiki/readme.html for detailed guide
2 confirm the Frameworks as latest version: xoops-module-dokuwiki/art/version *.**
3 if you are using XOOPS 2.2*, make sure to delete xoops-module-dokuwiki/Frameworks/xoops22/
4 for non-Chinese installation, delete xoops-module-dokuwiki/uploads-schinese/, and name xoops-module- dokuwiki/uploads-english/ as xoops-module-dokuwiki/uploads/
5 upload xoops-module-dokuwiki/ to XOOPS root folder keeping its structure
6 install as a regular module