Modules: tplsadmin - Another Great Module by GIJOE

Posted by: jdseymourOn 2006/1/12 0:40:11 10378 reads
Recently, GIJOE has released an interesting module for managing templates on a XOOPS system. It is called tplsadmin, and it is a lot like his blocksadmin module, except this one works to make template editing and administration easier.

You can read his article on this module on his site Here.

Some of the key features that make this module special are:

1. List all templates by module.

2. Can edit the default template.

3. Can reload the template from the file to restore the original template.

3. Highlights templates that have been modified.

4. When opening a previously edited template shows the diff from the original (shows changes that were made.)

This module is still a beta, so I cannot advise to use it on a production site. However I have been testing this module on XOOPS and 2.2.3 with no problems.

If you wish to test this module you can download it Here. Please give feedback at GIJOE's Site if you find any bugs.