Modules: PD-Downlodas 1.2 is here.

Posted by: krobiOn 2005/12/21 20:20:00 10337 reads
I'am very proud to release the new vesion of PD-Downloads short before christmas.

In this release we did many bugfixes, added new features and updates many things.

general infos
PD-Downloads is a filemanagement modul for Xoops. For using this modul you need Xoops 2.0.1x or Xoops 2.2.x.

infos about features
This new Version has many new features. For example you can now easily clone this module. There is only one thing you should consider, the "Upgrade and Import Tool" only works without problems when you name your clones "PDdownloads1" (or any other number).

Your users also have a new link "my downloads", with this link the user will get a list with all his downloads. The module can now also create RSS Feeds.

For using this module you have to use the following Xoops Versions:
* 2.0.10 or newer
* 2.2.0 or newer

The module is compatible with PHP 4 and PHP 5 enviroments.

DOWNLOAD the module HERE