Modules: XM-Memberstats 2.0e For XOOPS 2.0.x Release !!!

Posted by: comflash2On 2005/9/26 16:40:00 12575 reads
I just upload new XM-Memberstats 2.0e for XOOPS 2.0.x.

You can download from here in xmmemberstats 2.0e forum:

>>> Temporary download link while Xoops Malaysia is under reconstruction <<<

XOOPS Malaysia

Changes from 2.0d : (Fix By ComFlash2)
- Fix installation problem (Can't proceed) in certain PHP configuration
- "Data installation" popup automatically when installing this module. No need type "./install/index.php" manually anymore.
- Fix problem at xmmemberstats mainpage that display only 1st page in certain PHP configuration
- Fix problems that cause xmmemberstats disappear randomly

Changes from 2.0c : (Fix By ComFlash2)
- Fix installation problem (Database Timeout, Can't Proceed etc)
- Fix bugs when goto next page after searching, it ignore the query and display all
- Fix bugs at sorting
- Add 5400+ new 'ip to country' entries

* Original code developed by SMD

- Compatible with 2.0.x

- Use Ip-To-Country Database instead of using file in the previous version.
- New flags images including all countries in the world.

How To Install?:
*Uninstall the previous version first, before installing the new one.
1. Extract zip file and upload the folder into your modules folder.
2. Install module (admin menu -> system -> modules -> install).
3. That's It! You can set block and module permission as usual.
4. In case you want to update ip-to-country database manually, type:

Latest Ip-To-Country Database:
File Version: 13 September, 2005

Language Pack:
1. English (SMD)
2. Malay (SMD)
3. French (F5GOV)
4. Brazilian Portuguese (Valker)
5. Japanese (Vargr)
6. Danish (Vargr)
7. TChinese (gary711)

Special thanks to all translators. Question and suggesstion, post in our forum. Thanks!