Modules: TimesheetXoops 1.2.1 Released

Posted by: dkeirOn 2005/6/21 7:32:29 8545 reads
A new Timesheeting Module for Xoops 2 called TimesheetXoops has just been released. TimesheetXoops is based on timesheet.php version 1.2.1 developed and supported by Advancen (

TimesheetXoops is designed to keep track of the hours worked by multiple people on multiple projects. It allows users to manage the times that they are clocked on or clocked off.

Other features include:

- User, Client, Project, and Task Management
- Calendar view of work, grouped by project or all projects
- Monthly, weekly or daily views of work
- The ability to customise look and feel
- Work periods spanning multiple days
- Automatic calculation of invoices
- Manual Clock-on/Clock-off maintenance
- Administrator views and reporting
- Simple weekly timesheet entry mode

You can dowload the module from SourceForge (