XOOPS: RC3 change logs

Posted by: onokazuOn 2002/4/22 13:49:17 5983 reads
Here are some updates from the change logs I have now in my hand.
Sorry for not putting all in details..i'm sure we have made more changes, but the major ones are as listed below.

The new sections module will not appear yet. We have a basic plan already, but not yet actually implemented as php codes. It will probably replace not only the old sections, but hopefully the current web links, downloads, faq, etc modules.

The theme structure has not changed, and will not change in RC3. But this does not mean we will not change it in the future. We do have an idea to use some 3rd party template engines like Smarty.

We may need another 3-4 days for the final testings.

- Added option to change all users' theme
- Added option to display/not display message on redirection
- Added custom avatar settings

- Each forum will have its own forum options (allow html, posts per page, etc). (Goghs)
- Database optimization (Goghs)
- Each thread in the forum will have its own last view timestamp saved in cookies

- Removed many variables in config file of module visitor 2 and use standard XOOPS core variables instead. (Goghs)
- modules/visitor2/include/header.inc.php and footer.inc.php removed. (Goghs)
- Deleted modules/visitor2/include/db/ directory and db_mysql.php under it. We use XOOPS own database layer now which makes it obsoletely and useless.(Goghs)

- Custom avatars
- Sub directories can be created under images/avatar/, which may be useful for categorizing avatar images. There will be a separate avatar popup window for each directories.

Module Administration
- Redesigned for better usability
- Modules now installed from phpMyAdmin sql dump file
- Module deletion will delete its module tables
- Activate/deactivate modules will not delete record from modules table
from now on..only isactive flag will be turned on/off
- Modules in the main menu can be now reordered with a click!

Block Administration
- Redesigned for better usability

Group Administration
- Added blocks permission for each user group

- Removed getenv() functions due to some servers not properly returning env variables
- $xoopsDB and $myts(now a global variable) now instantiated through Database::getInstance() and MyTextSanitizer::getInstance() methods respectively.
- Removed unnecessary inclusion of textsanitizer class file and instantiation thereof
- Fixed bugs and added more methods in class/xoopslists.php
- Revamped the admin section
- Redesigned many HTML form pages using XoopsForm class library (register.php, edituser.php, etc). The XoopsHtmlForm class is deprecated.
- XoopsUser::rank(true) now returns rank id in addition to rank title and image
- Added xoops_header() and xoops_footer() functions
- Added xoops_cp_header() and xoops_cp_footer() functions for admin sections
- Created include/cp_functions.php which contains various functions used in admin sections
- Added a new admin module, Mailusers module, with which you can send message via email and/or PM to selected users. The users can be selected by certain criteria, for example, send message to only inactive users, last login was more than 10 days ago, etc.
- Added a new class XoopsMailer, used in the Mailusers module under system module
- Added a new class XoopsPM, which will handle all operations on private messages