YAXS: VersaTech.nl now online...

Posted by: DrDreOn 2005/5/16 8:30:00 5985 reads
Hi Xoopsers,

I can use some feedback on a project that is worked on by me.
The site is in Dutch, but will be ML in the near future.

I have used:

Xoops 2.0.10
SmartClient and Partner
News 1.3
Theme = lw_inclavert (small changes made)

I want to say thanks to Mithrandir and associates (developers) for there hard work that is done.

When our project is official, I will make a donation to the community. (at this point my economic postion isn't ready for a donation) ;-D

The site: http://www.versatech.nl - A good idea for ICT.