XOOPS: XOOPSer's open conference 2005 in Tokyo

Posted by: GIJOEOn 2005/5/12 7:28:41 7785 reads
We hold an open conference about XOOPS in Tokyo Japan on May 21, 2005.
This conference has the slogan "All participants are the developpers".
Over 100 Xoopsers has already applied the confirence.

The original announcement in Japanese:


May 21, 2005 (Saturday) 13:00-16:30 (GMT+0900)

Japan Electronics College 7th building
1-25-4, Hyakunincho, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 169-8522 , Japan


Paticipation expense:
Nothing, of course

-Session 1 "SECURITY" 13:00-13:30
"Secrurity of XOOPS" by GIJOE

-Session 2 "CORE DEVELOPMENT" 13:30-14:00
"About JP-XOOPS" by tadashi , Ryuji

-Session 3 "Application" 14:10-14:50
"The use of XOOPS -Now and then-" by tadashi
"Site construction" by yuzuho , sakimura

-Session 4 "Customizing" 15:00-15:30
"Practical Customizing XOOPS" by Tom_G3X

-Session 5 "Talk & FreeTime" 15:30-16:30

The application form for the conference:

If you want to participate and can't read Japanese, send e-mail to XOOPS20050521@gmail.com

Although we have a session about the core of JP-XOOPS, the conference targets "all about XOOPS" including the core of 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, Oreteki, mox, and JP-XOOPS.

I -GIJOE- believe that the core is just a part of XOOPS

Thank you.