Modules: Formulaire V3

Posted by: philouOn 2005/5/11 15:46:11 10380 reads
Hello everybody,

After a lot of time with the 2.8.x version, it was necessary to make an update and correct some bugs.
Some functionnalities were necessary too.
So, i worked with Fabien (a student friend) during few weeks. I'm happy today to present our work.

Download the Formulaire V3

Be careful, due of many changes in this version, it is incompatible with previous versions !

You will find a file 'install.txt' in the formulaire folder, read it before installing.
A complete help is available from module's admin (after install)... read it !!!

Here is an extract from changelog.txt (You could find it in the formulaire folder) :

This version perfectly works with register_globals at OFF

Examples of functionnalities added :
- a link permits to acceed directly to a form from the admin pages
- addition of help on the menu pictures
- new interface for admin nemnu
- arrows to change the element position
- possibility to activate or desactivate the forms directly form the form's admin page
- in the mail, a new link to the user profile has been created
- url of return after mail sending
- help text for forms
- text for the submit button
- elements to send (IP, web navigator, submit by)
- text encoding for mails (ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,UTF-8,cp866,cp1251,cp1252,KOI8-R,BIG5,GB2312,BIG5-HKSCS,Shift_JIS,EUC-JP)
- in the preferences, addition of a default value to the join files weight (size in KByte)
- possibility to order the sendings by date and user in the consult page
- possibility to save or not the sendings for each form
- in the user block, a link permits to reach the admin part (if the user is admin)
- a new page gives information about the server. on the server info page, you can put or remove the PHP debug mode
- the number of sendings for each form is now displayed in the consult page
- the arrows permits to move the menu elements, the boxes to put directly the order have been put (following the request of Alain01)
- for upload element, there are 2 new types : rar and zip
- in the user part, the max weight for the joined files is now displayed
- separator element, the element can now be bold