Themes: News site for Xoops Themes

Posted by: FlorianlOn 2005/4/27 15:00:24 8963 reads
Resized ImageThe Graphics and Development Community Linesweb is happy to announce to you the opening of a site without claim, held by impassioned people of development and graphics, Linesweb.Xoops.

Linesweb.Xoops What's that? Linesweb.Xoops proposes to you to download free themes carried out by our care for Xoops 2. Currently, less than ten themes are available, but thereafter we will be in measurement of you to propose some more, where diversity and quality will be our watchwords in order not to always propose the same styles of topic to you, and finally to make original skins!

By hoping that Linesweb.Xoops will bring whole satisfaction to you, we wish you a good visit on Linesweb.Xoops which you can visit as of now while returning to you here.

Excuse us for our English, we are French!