Modules: Netquery 3.1 - Minor Bugfix

Posted by: RVirtueOn 2005/4/24 17:12:03 4822 reads
Current download packages for Netquery 3.1 have been amended to include a minor bugfix.

An error was discovered in the original download packages that only shows up when logging is enabled. It occurs due to the fact that the Netquery logging process attempts to capture the "target" for all query types and the 3 remote types do not define the $target variable. Not all CMS versions will raise an exception on this error. Nevertheless, it has been corrected in all current downloads.

For those who may prefer to do their own editing, the Xoops edition changes to index.php are as follows (line numbers approximate):
add below ~line 487 following
case "pingrem":
$target $host;

add below ~line 505 following
case "tracerem":
$target $host;

add below ~line 507 following
case "lgquery":
$target $router;

My apologies for any inconvenience.