Developer News: Performance & Scalability Analysis Of Four Major Xoops Article Managers

Posted by: brashOn 2004/11/26 8:50:00 6236 reads
One of the most important functions of a CMS such as Xoops is to manage content, so it is of little surprise that some of the most popular modules for Xoops are based around providing this functionality. The purpose of this article is to analyse the performance and scalability of four of these modules that are still actively being developed over a range of different hardware, and is the largest single performance analysis ever made for any Xoops module containing nearly 3200 individual pieces of data. The modules analysed in this article are News 1.2.1, WF-Section 2.07 Beta, Articles 0.17, and the new AMS module which is to be released during the first week of December. This article is of great relevance for all those using shared hosting services and/or those with high traffic sites.

You can view the article right here at IT Headquarters.