Modules: multiMenu 1.7 - when multiMenu goes sitemap

Posted by: solo71On 2005/3/31 7:26:37 14849 reads

Admin Index

There are 2 differentparts here: A dynamic module navigation bar and the current edited multiMenu.

Module navigation bar consisting of-
  • multiMenu main Index Page
  • Preferences
  • Help
  • Admin links
  • multiMenu (ranging from 1 to 4)

Note: there is a color code which indicate if the current multiMenu is displayed or not in the index page.

You can navigate through the whole module and it’s option thanks to this nav bar. Keep in mind that on each and every page generated by Edito, as admin of the module, you will be able to directly access the edit, delete or administration function.

multiMenu index page

Display each and every multiMenu links.
On the main page, you can get some valuable informations regarding your custom links :
  • Picture: display a reduced version of the used picture.
  • Title
  • Link
  • Status: Green for online, red for offline.
  • Type
  • Functions: main admin functions, edit, delete, move up and down.
Links are ranked in display order. This order can be changed clicking on the green arrows (up and down).

Click on 'New Link' to create a new entry.

New link

multiMenu is designed to easily create menu links. You just have to fill in the form to create a new link.
You can choose to display a picture with or without links, with different possible display options.

~Title: is the link title. You can use html code (to color your links for instance) or smilies. It is better not use the BBCodes.

~Link: is the url you want your link to point at. Leave it blank if you don't want a clickable link (for information purpose, for instance). The url can be absolute or relative. If set relative, multiMenu would automatically add the current website path, so that, wherever your block appears on your site, the url would be a correct link.

~Image: is the picture url of the current link. Same goes as for link regarding the relative or absolute url. If the picture is unavailable or fake, multiMenu would display a default picture (a red paw).
In this version, you have the possibility to use two different tages {module} {theme} , respectively displaying the module or theme used on the current page. Those option would allow you to display specific logos regarding the module or theme the user is navigating the website.

~Status: define wether you want that link to be dispalyed or not.

~Type: set the link type you want to apply to the current link. There are 5 different link type :
  • Category: display as a category link type.
  • Main link: standard main link type.
  • Permanent sublink: sublink type which would display permanently.
  • Dynamic sublink: sublink type which would display dynamically, regarding the parent mainlink. Note that to make the dynamic links to work, it is necessary to add '\ / ' (trailin slash) at the end of main links linking to a directory!
  • Note: would display like a standard comment text.

~Target: 4 different classical target type.

~Groups: selct which group can see or not the current link.