XOOPS: XOOPS 2.2.2 and are released

Posted by: MithrandirOn 2005/8/15 21:30:00 19031 reads

Changelog from XOOPS 2.0.13 to
2005/08/15: Version
- SECURITY: Fixed several path disclosure issues (Mithrandir/ajaxbr+Dave_l)

Changelog from XOOPS 2.2.1 to 2.2.2:
2005/08/15: Version 2.2.2
- SECURITY: Fixed several path disclosure issues (Mithrandir/ajaxbr+Dave_l)
- Fixed bug #1253433 - Outbox to-link wrong (Mithrandir/Dave_l)
- Fixed bug #1256352 - insertConfigCategories (Mithrandir/Pnooka)
- Fixed bug #1255004 - malformed uri in class/theme.php (Mithrandir/Frankblack)
- Fixed bug #1252898 - SMTP, SMTPAuth Fsockopen error (Mithrandir/fatalsaint)
- Fixed wrong call to loginUser() with uname instead of loginname (Mithrandir/ef11cornell)
- Fixed bug #1249880 - Change Email function can't be disabled (Mithrandir/Dave_l)
- Added "font styles" to language files in xoopseditor/koivi (phppp)
- Added empty $text check for encoding conversion in languages/english/local.php (phppp)
- Removed language files other than English (phppp)