Developer News: XOOPS 2.1.0 Development is on the road

Posted by: MithrandirOn 2005/4/9 10:03:57 11932 reads

What is in the nightly build today (9/4-05)
Already there has been some progress from 2.0.x:
21 Bugs Fixed
11 Patches Added
1 Major Restructuring

Module header and caching
The "major restructuring" is about the instantiation of $xoopsTpl which now happens in include/common.php and not in header.php
This means that module developers can now assign variables to $xoopsTpl before including header.php and thus get around the issues of e.g. <{$xoops_module_header}> not being cached. It is still recommended not to process more than necessary before including header.php, since that is where the caching kicks in, but especially the module header has been a problem for modules using that for including javascript that was not included when the pages were cached.

Themed Admin
Another implication of the changed $xoopsTpl instantiation is that the administration pages can now be themed just like any frontside page. The redirect screen also uses the current theme. Please refer to this thread on for more information on the new possibilities in the administration area.
Also note that there is a new file in the root, recovery.php, that can be used by administrators to revert important settings such as frontside and adminside theme, debug settings and template set in case something messes up and access to the administration is blocked.

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