Official Mods: Newbb 2.0 RC1 available

Posted by: AnonymousOn 2004/9/28 6:00:00 34063 reads

You can downoad the package here :
- Newbb 2.0 RC1

The Package comes with following updaters for:

Newbb 1 to Newbb 2.0
Newbb Pro 1.03 to Newbb 2.0
Newbb 2.0Beta4 to Newbb 2.0

Language Files:

Currently english, french and protuguesebr ( the german files are not finshed )

Note for installing:

To a proper working Popup menu you have to be sure that the <{xoops_module_header}> is included in your theme.html

1. Overwrite all the files in the old newbb folder

2. Run the Updater you need ( see above )

3. Update the Module in the Moduleadmin

4. Set your Permissions to the Categories and Forums new

ToDo list for the Version 2.1

- Attachment Manager
- Clone Permissions ( from one Forum to the next )
- Multiple Attachments
- Topic Subject Prefix with more Permission options
- Posting with Emails
- Move Post to the News and/or smartfaq Module
- Converters for other Forums ( phpBB2, IBF )

The module also has an About page in the admin side were you will find links to the official Newbb 2.0 developpement project at the developers's forge, as well as link to submit bug or request features.

I could not have done this module without the help of many other people. In the About page of the module, I explain more deeply the work of all these people. However, I would like to respectfully thank all the people who have worked with me in this project. Among those people, special thanks to : Mithrandir, phppp, samuels, Dave_L and koivi for his replacePngTags function Thank you !!

Greetz Predator and phppp