I ported that design for the owner from a PSD-based template.

Trust me, it's way to heavy for this site. It's a nice site mind you, but the load would be too much and this site would slow to a crawl.
IMHO, given that that XOOPS is a modern CMS, I believe the look needs to instantly convey this image at first glance. Xaraya and Joomla have both done this quite effectively, and I believe with the talent we have here, we could easily raise the bar.

I agree that we should look more to CSS, but a full CSS theme w/o tables wouldn't fly either. There's too many tables in the module templates and that will get real ugly to fix. It's just not realistic at this time.
* IMHO a lot of effort should be put into standards compliance
* Minimize use of tables as much as possible
* Do a little research on the psychology of colors and use colors that convey strength, reliability, and calmness
* Cut down on all the white. It kills the eyes after a while. Break it up a little.
* Keep the graphics to a minimum, use CSS for decoration instead. See work by StudioC for good examples.

* Employ an alternate stylesheet for printing (see
my site)
* Optimize the META tags! Many big search engines (See
Overture companies) still use them and it only takes a few minutes to optimize them.
* A 2-column layout would be much more friendly to 800x600px screens and it would make it a lot easier to find information. (Less information overload)
* Integrate the search bar into the theme (one less block).
* Add redundant navigation at the header and footer for the most recently used links (better SEO and more user-friendly)
That's all I've got for now, off the top of my pointed head.
Great to see the ball is rolling on this.

Best Regards,
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.