the news team, was dead..
i handed over the leadership of that team to Tom a couple weeks ago, as he could dedicate more time than i could at the moment. Although I would still stay on and help out when needed, mainly i've just helped out with approving news article submissions & checking validity etc.
WOX team, again I have not had the time with this and Proposed Ladysham to take over responsibility of producing the WOX newsletter. She has had some good ideas, and would be an ideal WOX producer. I'll make contact with her to see if she is still interested.
Moderators.. I'm not entirely sure who is and who isn't active in this team. I'm active as you are aware lol. but the mod team is active anyway. I think david & Jim still take part in the background because of all grief they were given.
as for other regards, i've been helping with demo.xoops & addons.xoops for the last few months aswell.