div vs. tables
  • 2007/5/10 20:22

  • bjbtexas

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 106

  • Since: 2004/7/3 2

What are the pros and cons of using div tags versus using tables in designing a XOOPS theme?

It seems I can't get my div tags design to look the same in explorer and firefox.

Does anyone use both?

Any tips on getting the theme to look the same in both?


Re: div vs. tables
  • 2007/5/10 20:34

  • Herko

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4238

  • Since: 2002/2/4 1

The basic principle is to use the HTML tags for what they're there for: div tags to create sections in a page, tables to display tabular data, paragraphs for text and headers for (you're probably getting the drift here) headers. This principle is called semantic html. This also means you're separating the layout from your content.

There are methods to create a theme based on divs that look the same in MSIE and Firefox. Just search the web, this has everything to do with clear and valid stylesheets and a small set of MSIE specific workarounds.

Or you can try downloading a CSS theme from http://xoopsfactory.com/ and look in the theme and css files.


Re: div vs. tables

The biggest advantage of using DIV's instead of tables is that it makes a page load faster. In most themes it is best to use DIV tags only, no tables.


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