xc gallery question? please help? (moved to correct forum)

Why cant my users upload to albums in the categories I have created? So far, they seem to only be able to upload to "user" categories and albums....

Detailed instructions are needed, Im clueless.

Review here... http://www.midwestwakeboarder.com/main/modules/xcgal/

Re: xc gallery question? please help? (moved to correct forum)

It is probably a permissions thing. Go to your admin gorups permission settings and make sure users have access to all of the xcgall blocks. Then go to the module and check the preferences on each of the albums you have created. You probably haven't given registered users permsission to upload to them.

Go to admin menu
click on xcgallery mocule
click on group manager
check disk quota for registered users is not 0 - give them a limit
click yes or no in each column to suit your needs.
read the notes - you need to 'synchronise' (if you are using the same version as me)



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