xoops.org default theme displayed incorrectly in IE5.5 with proxy

Not sure has this been brought up before, but this is how I saw XOOPS site with IE 5.5 that goes through proxy server. I have seen this behaviour on my site before. Anybody has any ideas on that one?



Re: xoops.org default theme displayed incorrectly in IE5.5 with proxy
  • 2005/11/7 19:22

  • tedsmith

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1151

  • Since: 2004/6/2 1

The government network that I use at work still uses IE5.5 to provide internet services to some 130,000 staff (for reasons I won't bore you with here) and your screen prints look better than what I see!! The secuirty is bolted down that much that half the things don't show up for me and the central tables kinda merge and overlap with the left and right ones. I think for the amount of people who actually use IE5.5 these days it's not really worth worrying about.

Re: xoops.org default theme displayed incorrectly in IE5.5 with proxy


This screenshot was captured from kind of government network as well so I'm not alone here. But I have seen it in different networks as well with different versions of IE. I was just curious anybody else has these problems when viewing.

Interesting though, not sure what can be the problem from different aspect: while trying to reach http://www.xoops.org I have no problems registering and browsing around, but I can't use http://www.xoops.lt because right after registration I see the registered member page, but next page will bring me back to unregistered user page it just won't let me login. No errors, no referer_check pages and no errors on a server side. Yes, security is the highest concern where I have to work once in a while. These are low priority problems but still decided to discuss and see what can be done to minimize even to a lesser extent.



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