I've been thinking a bit more about this problem, where the _XK_FONT etc appears as the default in the drop down menus, as indicated by gediminasbyt in an earlier post and confirmed by my testing. This obviously is a problem with the defined values for _XK_FONT etc. not being substituted. It appears to be due to changes in the way Koivi is coded, and a real fix presumably will require some coding changes in AMS.
I confirmed this by doing the following:
I copied the contents of /class/xoopseditor/koivi into a new folder /class/wysiwyg in my XOOPS 2.2 test site. I left the path to Koivi as it originally was in AMS (that is, class/wysigwyg). I set AMS to use Koivi, with the result that the drop downs show _XK_FONT etc. This shows that the problem is not due to the path to the values, but to changes in Koivi.
I then deleted that folder /class/wysiwyg from my 2.2 site and copied the wysiwyg folder from my XOOPS 2.0.13 site into /class on the XOOPS 2.2 site. I found that AMS set to use Koivi then worked properly.
Thus, a work around for this problem is to copy the wysiwyg folder from XOOPS 2.0.13 into the /class folder in a 2.2 site. Leave the /class/xoopseditor/koivi folder intact so that News or other modules can use it.
Ideally, Mith, or perhaps some other programmer, can tell us the changes required in AMS 4.2 to make it work properly with the koivi version in XOOPS 2.2. I will try to look through the code, but I don't think I'm enough of a programmer to figure out the changes required.
Barry Cooper
Sweet Home, Oregon