JMorris wrote:
There are more free modules for XOOPS than Mambo
XOOPS is easier to learn
XOOPS is easier to code modules for
XOOPS is easier to code themes for
XOOPS is easier to administrate
You can add some things to that:
XOOPS has a cntral site so that it's easier to find stuff
XOOPS is friendlier to upgrade
XOOPS is only one syllable
XOOPS is more "idiot-proof" in general
And of course, then there's personal preference. I, personally, can't stand mambo's system for themes and its administration enviroment keeps me awake at night for fear of nightmares. If I were forced to make a site that used mambo, I could do it, but it would take forever. Mambo is not the way that I think. XOOPS is exactly the way a cms should be, to me.
Before choosing one or the other, try to do a site in both and then compare how things worked out. It's more time consuming than reading a review, but there is no better teacher than experience.