ImageMagick Binaries Problem - XoopsGallery
  • 2005/6/21 16:25

  • stinkbug

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/4/4 2

I have verified with my webhost that ImageMagick binaries are located at /usr/bin and I can see them in that directory. Chmods are all 755.
Checking /usr/bin/identify
Error! (File /usr/bin/identify does not exist.)

Checking /usr/bin/convert
Error! (File /usr/bin/convert does not exist.)

Checking /usr/bin/composite
Error! (File /usr/bin/composite does not exist.)

Also, when I click on "New Album" I receive the following message:
Error: Couldn't open lock file (/home/virtual/site352/fst/var/www/html/xoops/modules/xoopsgallery/cache/albums/album02/photos.datlock)!Error: Couldn't open lock file (/home/virtual/site352/fst/var/www/html/xoops/modules/xoopsgallery/cache/albums/album02/album.datlock)!

I'm using xoopsgallery v1.3.3.7 running under XOOPS 2.0.10.
ImageMagick - 5.5.5


Re: ImageMagick Binaries Problem - XoopsGallery

Don't know about xoopsgallery, but I assume there is a location in admin to put the ImageMagick dir? You might want to try without the first slash, as in usr/bin rather than /usr/bin

Re: ImageMagick Binaries Problem - XoopsGallery
  • 2005/6/21 16:37

  • stinkbug

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 27

  • Since: 2005/4/4 2

Thanks for the reply. I did try it without the first slash, and it didn't work. I also put the entire directory path in, and no luck.

What makes this more frustrating is that I'm running another version of the exact same module, on the same server, with the same path, and it's working.

I remembered reading something about safe mode, and some other settings when I set that one up (about 4 months ago), but I can't find my old notes.

Anyhow...If it works on one, then it must work on the other, somehow.

Re: ImageMagick Binaries Problem - XoopsGallery
  • 2005/9/3 16:26

  • tulisan

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2005/9/3 1

I am also having that datlock errors but one thing I notice is when I hit the browser refresh, it goes away. weird....


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