Is it possible to rename module directories?
  • 2005/5/16 14:07

  • Mesum

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/5/16

This is going to be my first newbie question.
Is it possible for me to change the directory name of a module to something else?

For example, we have newbb module and if I want to change it to forums or Forums, would that work or will break everything into parts?

Re: Is it possible to rename module directories?

I am not sure about newbb, but the way a module is supposed to be created, it would be possible to simply edit the module dir name in the xoops_version.php file of the module. Secondly you will need to change the module directory name accordingly of course .

There is one big "but", being that some modules used hardcoded directories instead of the directory as defined in the xoops_version.php file. You can do a global search in the module for "newbb" and see if this would be the case or not.


Re: Is it possible to rename module directories?

It's possible if you do a global search and replace on all the module files and replace the set folder text with your own folder name.

In reality, the module name is often hard-coded in other areas of the module files.

Other people have suggested using a URL re-writing function but I'm not sure how that works.

I've tried the global search + replace method myself and it works.

The only consideration is if i go to upgrade the module, I will need to do the same procedure again before installing it.


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