xoops_confirm is defined in /include/functions.php as:
function xoops_confirm($hiddens, $action, $msg, $submit='')
$hiddens - an array containing name/value pairs for any hidden variables needing to be sent along with the confirmation
$action - the path to the script to go to after confirmation
$msg - The message to display to the user
$submit - (optional) the text to display on the submit button. If omitted, uses the XOOPS language constant
_SUBMIT$hiddens is probably the most confusing of the bunch, maybe it will be clearer with an example.
Let's say you are writing code to remove a category from your module. You want the user to confirm this deletion, and run the deletion code. In order to remove this category, your script needs to know the category ID to be removed. xoops_confirm might then be called like this:
xoops_confirm(array('categoryid'=>$categoryid), 'catdelete.php', "Are you sure you want to remove category #$categoryid ?");