Xoops without themes?

After playing around with XOOPS for awhile, I've found that it's pretty okay, but I absolutly loathe using themes and I want to have static web pages. In the past, I would always just have some PHP code and do something like..

<put news here>

(Only with proper code...) and it would place the news there. Looking around with Xoops... I'm not seeing any way to do this, and it almost seems like if you want to use Xoops, you are forced, without a choice, to use themes and cannot have static pages.

Is that true? Or is it possible for me to use static pages, no themes, and just say <put this item here> and <put that item there> ?

Thanks for any advice!

Re: Xoops without themes?

this should work:
//The line below will need to point to the actual path to 

//Put all your PHP code here


Though since most of the output for XOOPS is using smarty templates, you'll have to recreate most of the output code (or use the $xoopsTpl class manually).


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