PiCal minicalendar text size?

Hi everyone,

I've searched, but can't seem to find the answer to my question...

It appears that PiCal is overriding the main CSS of the site, and I'd like to change that. I took a look for a css file in the module, but couldn't find one.

I thought about going into the templates and changing them... but I'm particularly interested in changing the font size of the minical, and I don't see a template for that.

Any thoughts would be appreciated...

Thanks in advance,


Re:PiCal minicalendar text size?

it does use a css file, and the default templates css file is in:

Re:PiCal minicalendar text size?

in addition - it does not use smarty as its template engine, but has its own simple php based templates. They are found in /modules/piCal/images/default/