DonXoop wrote:
For clarification, you are using the *same* user/pass in phpmyadmin as your XOOPS install? Just making sure so we can know it isn't a rights issue.
Some things to look for: php & apache versions, MySQL client version, zlib options, any accelerators installed.
Yes, they are using the same user/pass as xoops, since it is a XOOPS module.
As you can read in the reply to CBlue I deleted+restored all my tables and this seems to solve the problem (don't ask me why, I hope you can explain it).
I made the php info page, so if you want to look on it surf to:
click hereIn my PhpMyAdmin module I only still have the following error message:
The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated.
With as extra information:
PMA Database ... not OK [ Documentation ]
General relation features Disabled
Does this sound familiar to you? Is it something I have to worry about?
Thanks for your help so far,
Kind regards,