Integrate phpicalendar?
  • 2004/4/11 17:08

  • deepthin

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How hard would it be to integrate phpicalendar with xoops.

I have it set up so it reads the icalendarfiles from evolution and it works great. Is there any other package that will work with evolutions calendar?

Re: Integrate phpicalendar?
  • 2004/4/11 23:59

  • vzbob

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deepthin wrote:
How hard would it be to integrate phpicalendar with xoops.

I have it set up so it reads the icalendarfiles from evolution and it works great. Is there any other package that will work with evolutions calendar?

There Is A pical Module for XOOPS you can find it here

Re: Integrate phpicalendar?
  • 2004/4/12 2:20

  • jfernau

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It's already been done, though it's not the latest version.

ackbarr did it. It's called xCal, and you can get it at http://ackbarr.greatweb.com.

From what I remember, it looks pretty nice. I'd like to see him update it to the current version, but I don't know how hard that would be.



Re: Integrate phpicalendar?
  • 2004/4/15 9:33

  • deepthin

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  • Posts: 15

  • Since: 2004/4/8 5

I currently have piCal and I like it but how do I set it up to automaticlly sync with my evolution calendar?

Re: Integrate phpicalendar?
  • 2004/10/9 19:25

  • gravies

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2004/8/18

No sign of xCal on Ackbarr's site... anyone seen a download recently?

Re: Integrate phpicalendar?

Thanks for bringing this back to my attention. I added a link to the last release of xCal I did (based on phpicalendar 0.9.1!) to the Module Repository.

Gravies - I hadn't a chance to respond to your email yet. xCal has not been updated past the released version on this site. At the moment I am hard at work on finishing up xHelp and maintance work on this site, so it will be a little while before I can look at it again. Since phpicalendar is preparing 2.0 for release, that is what I would use for the next version.

Re:Integrate phpicalendar?
  • 2004/10/11 18:46

  • gravies

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 119

  • Since: 2004/8/18

Thanks ackbarr. I installed it on my test site (along with all the other calendars) but there are some problems with the date links. It seems to ignore the &getdate=20041011 statements and jumps to Jan1.

If you are going to integrate the new 2.0 version then it may not be worth fixing this version. For my needs I also suspect that even phpicalendar version 2.0 will have the features I need. For example, unless you do a lot of work there will presumably not be a Minicalendar block or a Coming Events blocks that can be displayed on the front page. phpicalendar's support for event details also seems quite limited: eg. in iCal you can have Attendees, Status, Description, URL, Notes, etc. but these don't seem to be supported yet - even in 2.0.

I may stick to piCal for now. Here are some random thoughts on the other calendars:

AgendaX does not seem to support event times (just days) yet.
eCal - events not marked on minicalendar
eXtcal - users cannot add events

It is a shame that there is no calendar system in the XOOPS core. I would have thought most sites would use this feature and other CMS systems have this built in (eg. drupal, geeklog). With the recent release of Mozilla Sunbird, and the power of iCal, it also seems sensible to make the use of ics and dav publishing a priority as these may become more commonplace soon. Check this drupal thread on events calendar development.



Re:Integrate phpicalendar?
  • 2005/1/14 18:30

  • katowulf2

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I was able to get xCal running on my box (http://www.zentrack.net), and it looks great.

I fixed the rss links by hacking xCal/functions/init.inc.php:

// jared-2002.10.30, I want to make sure my published calendars are world-read/writeable
// so I have this making sure they all are. This should be commented out/deleted
// for shipping versions. This is a convenience so when I commit, changes are made and
// I don't get errors.

// uncomment when developing, comment for shipping version

if (!defined('BASE')) define('BASE''./');
if( !isset(
$xoopsModuleConfig) ) {
if( !isset(
$xoopsModuleConfig) ) {
$url_arr explode('/',strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/modules/'));
$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
$xoopsModule =& $module_handler->getByDirname($url_arr[2]);
$config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
$xoopsModuleConfig =& $config_handler->getConfigsByCat(0$xoopsModule->getVar('mid'));


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