XOOPS is designed so the default template set can't be edited. The idea is to have a standard installation in case something gets messed up.
As to the procedure to manage your theme, here's a couple of pointers you may find useful:
1) The option "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?" is useful before you go live, but any change in the physical files is not reflected in the site while there's still a different copy of the template stored in the database.
So your best bet is also to edit the template using the template manager (Admin > Templates).
2) Your theme can't be edited through the XOOPS interface. You change your theme.html, style.css and associated files locally and then update your site via FTP.
3) Some changes area not seen immediately because XOOPS keeps copies of the pages in the cached directory templates_c. If you need to see your changes reflected in the site, delete all files in that folder.
4) Default theme means theme.html and the associated templates for the lateral and center blocks, as well as the stylesheet files. You should not edit the default theme, because XOOPS uses it to restore files in case something goes wrong. So you should make a phsyical copy of the default folder, call it YourName, activate YourName as the default theme (in Admin > Preferences > General settings), and then make your editions on YourName. Edit the files and update them as stated in [2].
5) Default template set means the set of templates that handle each module's display, either in full pages (the module actually fills a <{$content}> block in the center-center position) or in blocks. These templates can be edited physically, but your best bet is to go to the template manager, clone the default template set and call it also YourName, then activate it (also in Admin > Preferences > General settings) and make your editions in Admin > Templates > YourName.
All this sounds more complex than it really is, and once you get the hang of it, it'll be really REALLY easy.