Just a simple question!!
Is there a way to remove sidebars from the forum module?
I tried associating each block to every module I want but doing this I can't see side blocks in pages like search and login pages.
what can I do?
Look at my site if you want to know more about this problem and try to use the search block in the home page:
Upyou.itThis is a portion of the code of my theme.html. file:
<table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <{if $xoops_lblocks}> <td id="leftcolumn"> <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}> <{include file="blue/theme_blockleft.html"}> <{/foreach}> td> <{/if}> <td id="centercolumn"> <{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}> <table cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td id="centerCcolumn" colspan="2"> <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_ccblocks}> <{include file="blue/theme_blockcenter_c.html"}> <{/foreach}> td> tr> <tr> <td id="centerLcolumn"> <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_clblocks}> <{include file="blue/theme_blockcenter_l.html"}> <{/foreach}> td> <td id="centerRcolumn"> <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_crblocks}> <{include file="blue/theme_blockcenter_r.html"}> <{/foreach}> td> tr> table> <{/if}> <div id="content"><{$xoops_contents}>div> td> <{if $xoops_showrblock == 1}> <td id="rightcolumn"> <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_rblocks}> <{include file="blue/theme_blockright.html"}> <{/foreach}> td> <{/if}> tr> table>