I have created an XOOPS block and inserted PHP code (or PHP embedded in HTML tags), with varying results. The error is, that, a portion of the raw PHP code gets displayed in the user viewed block. The ironic thing, is, that the PHP code is displayed correctly in the separate pop-up Preview window (well, sometimes, depending upon if PHP or HTML code and block setting of PHP or HTML option setting). Yet, it only displays some of the raw PHP code (the first several lines are not displayed).
I turned on PHP debug, and nothing was apparent. (I can't get FreeContent to display HTML code either, hmmm?)
What I would really like to do, is, point the block source PHP to a file (of PHP code) and have the XOOPS block run the PHP code from the file. (Then, I could more easily modify the file, and have the XOOPS block render the PHP code.)
Something obvious must be misconfigured - since the use of this feature seems pretty much a key feature to Xoops! (Right?)
Thanks for any advice, in advance.