I tried different things without succes. I'd like to add extra smarty variables to get userinfo in my theme. I like to get the userrank title in a smarty variable.
I've edited header.php and added:
$xoopsTpl->assign('rnktitle', $xoopsUser->getVar('rank'));
Now in the
API documentation about userrank it says:
array rank( )
get the user's rank
return - array of rank ID and title
So my smarty variable should be an array (I think). But I can't load the userrank title. How can I call the second element in the array?
<{$rnktitle}> doesn't give me the title, only the id number. I've tried with <{$rnktitle[1]}> or <{$rnktitle[title]}> without succes. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much for any help.