Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 15:26

  • exbanious

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 113

  • Since: 2004/5/30

hey billy, i'll send that out to you right now.

the module was all pretty much from scratch. about a year out of my life, and many a sleepless night. as it was the first module i ever created, i had little to no idea what i was doing. i did steal the uploader from the news module, and the image manipulation/resize from myalbum. aside from that just random scripts and ideas from other sites.

for the make/model entry, its really just two tables.
one for the makes, and one for the models. the model table holds the relational data to the makes table and also whether or not it is active or waiting.

to administer that part of it, i built it into the admin side of the module. it shows any new submissions and also lets me know if there are duplicate entries.

all the recent talk about a garage module has me thinking about continuing development to release it.....

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)


wtravel wrote:
I have read this thread with interest, not that I do anything with cars other than riding and washing them, but because of the technical challenges to make this kind of a module.

Yes the technical side is a challenge. But the rewards for the XOOPS community are great.


Your requirements sound familiair to what EFQ directory module can do for you. With a few customizations you can make an excellent car garage module. For example the issue regarding makes having different names in different countries can be resolved by creating a customized field using more than one tables, where you can save a default name for a make and add several other names/countries combinations saving them in a seperate table. This makes it easier to search the entries as well.

This is a wonderful observation! Based on your own knowledge of how you built the Efq directory.

Im in the process of setting up a new dev site.


When I make up my mind which domain resolves. I will install your efq directory and give you some very creative feedback.


If you need some help with coding I can give some pointers...

This is awesome news thank you for being so kind!

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 15:50

  • gtop00

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 498

  • Since: 2004/11/13

Hi exbanious,

What about combining your tables with those from ISO (check the link at my last post)?
I could try it (in Access) if you send me the your tables (E-mail sent by PM).


Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 16:07

  • exbanious

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 113

  • Since: 2004/5/30

I'll send that out to you in a few minutes.

you know the thought of using vin numbers ran through my mind at first when i trying to figure out how to do it, but my initial intention for the site was to use as a classics and hotrod site, and vins weren't really a standard until the late 70's or so, so much of the information wouldn't have worked.

it would be a great idea for newer vehicles.
that link has some really good information.

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 17:14

  • gtop00

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 498

  • Since: 2004/11/13

Thanks for sending me the files.

Regarding your initial intention, I agree. Using VINs for classics and hotrod site is too much.

However, in case of Auto Parts - Accessories sales and Technical issues, you have to be very precise. It works only with VINs.

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)


gtop00 wrote:

Well I would use a different approach using the WMI code of the ISO standard 3780...

Having the customer/user/member entering the VIN of his vehicle, the system can automatically return the Make/Model/Type/MY/... based on the information in the db. The more info (Model/Type) in the db - the more accurate vehicle description
At any time, the customer/user/member can confirm if the returned description is correct, and by this way, the db can (automatically) corrected/updated!

What about this?

This is really a brilliant idea gtop00!

1. How much work do you think it would be to layout the database?

2. What kind of time frame do you think it would take?

3. Is there anyway this work could be split up between community members to speed this along.

4. Anyway a dev could tell us how to layout this data?

5. ?

6. ?

7. Any other questions?

I think it would be awesome to have this feature. I also think they should have an alternate way also. Meaning still leave the drill down method and at the end get the vin.

Again nothing is in concrete here. Just trying to get all the ideas on the table.

This is great stuff...

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/19 0:55

  • Northern

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 420

  • Since: 2004/12/26

@ exbanious

If you could,
can you show me how you did that gallery of yours ?

that might be the answer we need for a gallery if its not to harsh, lol

also, i would like to see if you can help out on the dev part of this thing.

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/19 1:56

  • exbanious

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 113

  • Since: 2004/5/30

not sure what all you are looking for as an explanation, but the gallery is set up per user. a folder is made when they first create their profile, and all images are placed in it. the thumb vs large image functionality on the user side is a simple javascript snippet.

also, i just finished working on functionality to add folders, where users can add up to 36 images in 3 folders.

i'd like to contribute to some dev on this, my availability is somewhat limited however. been working on music lately, and trying to get a full album together as well shows. plus i've got a few side projects, developing a site and making a theatre module for this theatre company. whowantscaketheatre.com if you feel like checking it out.

anyway, as it progresses, let me know, perhaps i can add something to it..

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/19 10:06

  • Northern

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 420

  • Since: 2004/12/26

well, i got a little farther today.


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having isues with the smarty tags.
but it might just bee me, from lack of sleep, lol

basicly im using the smarty.const.
like this.
to access the language files.
instead of,

Any pointers?

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)

I just wanted to let the community know that I will be setting up xgarage.org.

Xgarage.org will be an all xoops, open source, open community & automotive only website.

If anyone wishes to help there is plenty to do!


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