Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)


gtop00 wrote:
Makes & Models: Some suggestions...

a. Makes
a.1. There is not any reason to pre-load all makes. Since the module could be used internationally, the pre-loaded makes do not practically correspond to the existing in every country.

This does sound like a mess.


a.2. There is an ISO standard deals with the coding of the Makes. I'll find it and mail it.

Dont mail it gtop00 post it!


a.3. Proposal: We can pre-load the ISO coded Makes (all) but give the opportunity to the admin to select those he needs.

This is a great idea! I agree.


b. Models
b.1. As said, models is a nightmare... Model per Year, model per country, LHD, RHD models, same model with different name in other countries, auto or man models, 2-4 door models ........ We simply CANNOT pre-load models.

Yep this could be a problem.
1a. But if you leave a field under each make for "other" I think we will be covered.

2a. Thats what all the other generic radio buttons, drop downs, text tera boxs are for. Misc info...


3.0L 3.3L 3.5L 4.0L or 273cid 302cid 351cid 383cid 426cid

2dr 4dr sw pu van minivan


b.2. Give the ability to the db to have a txt field of X characters. The models should be possible to be entered by the admin AND related to the makes.

Can you explain a lil about this?


In both cases, when the db has been created, it will not be possible/easy to export – alter – re-import since those fields will be steady linked with other fields (e.g. auto parts, users, pictures …)

Can you explain a lil more about this as well.


Question (again): For what functionality we are talking about?

We are working on it thats forsure.

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 1:16

  • Northern

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 420

  • Since: 2004/12/26

ok, well I see theres a fork in the road ahead.
I know what a gragge mod is, and i know what a
support ticket is. and they dont come close to each other.

when i started this task, i was under the sumption that we needed a ( Garage Mod ) for XOOPS causeX-IPB was to hacked to exept a garage mod, X-phpBB id aslo hacked, but has no support for any thing after 2.0.7.
and the SMF bridge is nice, but cerrently has no garage mod.
one is in the making, but i dought it will be out any time soon.

so evey road that we have taken was a dead end.

and it looks as if i wasted my time.

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)

No Northern...

You have in no means wasted your time. Heck if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be this far now.

Xoops does need a garage module. Like what was suggested buy Mud. It centers around the profile module in a way kinda. It is much more specific and great for my mustang site. This is a great idea and in no way should you stop. I support you to the fullest.

Now gtop00 asked what we all were looking for in automotive modules. I was giving my opinion on some features that I have wanted for a very long time. My only problem is making the money to pay for them! I can not afford 3000.00 plus for a module on my own. I only make a buck twenty a day. I am lucky if I can afford the rent and car payment.

There is nothing wrong with ideas. I see Dj popping in and off this forum he is reading this and is also capable of making my ideas and others happen. If we do not post what we want to see then how is anyone to help and make it?

Again you have not wasted anytime! You have helped bring out a topic that will help the whole community in the long run.

With Respect

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 1:40

  • Northern

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 420

  • Since: 2004/12/26


Ill keep moving forward then,

any thoughts on the lay out?

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)

Yes alot dude...

Phpbb features fourm.

Is this garage as good as it get?

Can you show some examples of good garages? These on his site really suck. I am sure we can come up with a better layout.

I did see a better set of garages somewhere. I need some links man...

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 3:25

  • exbanious

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 113

  • Since: 2004/5/30

just skimming through this forum a bit...
i was having a real hard time when making my car module on how to include makes and models.

i compiled what seemed, to me anyway, to be a rather comprehensive list.
i'm sure there are plenty missing, but i can email the sql or excel file to somebody if you like. just pm me with the email address.

to add models, i made a form where users could submit models for each make, and then upon verification by an admin, it could be added to the pool. i also have it set so users could either choose from the list, or add a new one when filling out the car info. then it notify me so i could approve its addition to the list.

Heres the link. to what i have setup on my site.

hopefully this helps some in your endeavors.

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 3:46

  • hackbrill

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 283

  • Since: 2005/7/14


exbanious wrote:
just skimming through this forum a bit...
i was having a real hard time when making my car module on how to include makes and models.

i compiled what seemed, to me anyway, to be a rather comprehensive list.
i'm sure there are plenty missing, but i can email the sql or excel file to somebody if you like. just pm me with the email address.

to add models, i made a form where users could submit models for each make, and then upon verification by an admin, it could be added to the pool. i also have it set so users could either choose from the list, or add a new one when filling out the car info. then it notify me so i could approve its addition to the list.

Heres the link. to what i have setup on my site.

hopefully this helps some in your endeavors.

I think we may have a winner here.

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)

I have read this thread with interest, not that I do anything with cars other than riding and washing them, but because of the technical challenges to make this kind of a module.

Your requirements sound familiair to what EFQ directory module can do for you. With a few customizations you can make an excellent car garage module. For example the issue regarding makes having different names in different countries can be resolved by creating a customized field using more than one tables, where you can save a default name for a make and add several other names/countries combinations saving them in a seperate table. This makes it easier to search the entries as well.

If you need some help with coding I can give some pointers...

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)
  • 2007/7/18 11:11

  • gtop00

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 498

  • Since: 2004/11/13


script_fu wrote:
Dont mail it gtop00 post it!

Well I would use a different approach using the WMI code of the ISO standard 3780...

Having the customer/user/member entering the VIN of his vehicle, the system can automatically return the Make/Model/Type/MY/... based on the information in the db. The more info (Model/Type) in the db - the more accurate vehicle description
At any time, the customer/user/member can confirm if the returned description is correct, and by this way, the db can (automatically) corrected/updated!

What about this?

Re: [Module Request] "Car Garage" module (2)


exbanious wrote:
I can email the sql or excel file to somebody if you like. just pm me with the email address.

Pm sent thank you for the contrib!


to add models, i made a form where users could submit models for each make, and then upon verification by an admin, it could be added to the pool. i also have it set so users could either choose from the list, or add a new one when filling out the car info. then it notify me so i could approve its addition to the list.

This is a great idea. It seems to work very well also. Could you tell us what you built your system with. Which modules did you start with or was it from scratch.


Heres the link. to what i have setup on my site.
hopefully this helps some in your endeavors.

Again this is really cool. Could you enlighten us just a lil on it.

Time frame to build, did you farm out any of the codeing, what all was used module wise from xoops?

Thank you for your kind gesture!!!



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