gediminasbyt wrote:
This thread was started about a month ago and from no replies from core devs I felt like there is no interest in to looking at this. Thanks for yours and Marcan replies that this was recognized as a problem and you are looking at it.
Incama, Marcan (a member of the core development team) and even I looked at the problem, and had help from Hervé too. So this issue has been taken seriously, although I agree that this hasn't always been reflected here in this thread.
There are tons and tons of issues, we have had the hack attacks, security focus, 2.2.3 release, module compatibility, site management, many many many things to look into. If an issue isn't addresses immediately (and I don't take this too literal but within due time), it's not because the core (dev) team doesn't care, or objects even, it's probably because we either missed it, or haven't had the time to look into it properly yet.
Then again, since it's all open source code, many eyeballs make all bugs shallow, right? What I mean with that is dont put all your money on the core devs, but ask the community for help too. In fact, I got into XOOPS for real when I started trying to figure out the issues I had myself. The learning curve isn't too steep, and it's really fun too
